Newsletter #8

  • Gregory Lepinard

Dear Norpeople,
This month, in Charles Tellier high school, we worked on the link between us and Europe. We made a patchwork (a patchwork is a collage of many pictures) to help us present our ideas individually. The most common ideas were: the currency , the  donuments, the flag , democracy… as you could see on one of the patchworks in last month’s newsletter.
We are currently writing emails to our penfriends to let them know about everything Europe brings to us! We realise how important it is to vote for the upcoming elections! We are eager to find out what is different for our friends in Norway, since they’re not part of the European Union.

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We also could watch the productions they made about Rollo, TV series.. Our clichés on vikings seem to be the same: barbaric but courageous! (like some of us here, ahah!)
Our parents came for the meeting and they had lots of questions! We now have to prepare all our papers to book the plane tickets to come and meet our friends in Norway!! We’re so excited! Unfortunately,
some of us can’t come, but they’ll go to Bulgaria instead, another European country! We could compare our experiences, it will be enriching!
We’re off for some weeks but we hope to hear from you when we get back!
The 1ère Euro in France.


  • 02 31 69 05 04
  • Route de Vire
    14110 Condé en Normandie
